Monday, December 1, 2014

How the iPad affects young children, and what we can do about it: Lisa G...

Lisa Guernsey has some interesting points - many of which I agree.  I feel a need to respond to this as I continue to formulate my ideas around best practice of ICT as a tool in ECE. Watch this space....

Saturday, November 15, 2014

What is an iPad?

This seems to be an odd question, given its 2014 and iPads infiltrated our society back in 2010. However, I still believe, its a good question.

Technically it’s a rectangular screen with finger touch sensitivity. It can connect to the world wide web via a wifi (wireless router), or in some cases via the cellar mobile network. It has two cameras (front and back), speakers and a microphone all inbuilt into the screen. It comes with a base set of applications or programmes - called ‘apps’. Apps can be purchased  and loaded onto the screen via an online store. Apps are used to access and create digital information. Many apps are free but contain advertising. More specialised and ad-free apps are purchased relatively cheaply.

Given all these technical capabilities, the iPad enables us to connect to almost anyone, anywhere who has a regular phone, mobile phone, computer or ipad. It enabled me to send instant photos to the children of Manaia Kindergarten (New Zealand) from the heart of Kruger National Park (South Africa) - while tracking an elephant. It has enabled me to find my way through a rural township in South Africa that had not street lights. Its capabilities seem almost endless.

Apple, the company that designed, created and brought the iPad into our homes describes the iPad as its "most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device”

Were they right?

If we are to accept the iPad into our lives, we must endeavour not to be trapped in the rectangular screen - but to dream big, explore widely, and embrace the magic.

Other posts of interest.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Change is in the air

Since my last blog post there have been many changes to my situation. I have resigned from my position as Head Teacher at Manaia Kindergaten. It was time!  I had been at Manaia for 10years. I continue to love the kindergarten, its community and the teaching team, but it was time to refresh my batteries and experience new adventures.

 I am currently working as a relieving teacher for the Northland Kindergarten Association. It has been the best professional development I could have hoped for and I highly recommend that others do the same. If you have a teaching job and just want to explore other ece's - talk to your management about a few days of professional development to visit other kindergartens or centres. Don't pop in for a few hours - take 3 days and visit 3 different centres. At the very least, do that.

As I move from kindergarten to kindergarten I am being asked to provide some ICT support - which of course I am happy to do in the context of the day. I am amazed how much ICT comes up in my practice - particularly trying to capture children's voice. I don't need to encourage children to share their stories, children I am new to are eager to tell me their stories. I video, take photos and type their words onto the photos when appropriate. Wherever possible I try to use the kindergarten's cameras, iPods and iPads. I have been surprised at the technology kindergartens have and how they are using it.

My interest has been spiked. What 'latest' technologies do early childhood centres have in new zealand and around the world? And how are they using their technologies?

How about you and your ece?
What do you have in the way of digital technology and how confident do you feel you are using it?
Are the digital technologies offering you and the children the extended learning opportunities you had hoped for?

Please be honest and if you want to remain anonymous you do have that option when posting a comment.

 PS: Another change in the air - its election year. Lets make that count!! More on that later.